The Federal Democratic Republic of India with more than 1100 million people the second most populous country in the world and projections suggest that by mid-century will surpass China in population. Within this vast country, nearly 300 million people have purchasing power and about 90 million have incomes that allow a consumption capacity comparable to that of European countries. These figures show a market size comparable hard (today is the 4th country in the world purchasing power) and economic growth rates consistently above 5%, which configures it as one of the major developing economies growth rates although today domestic product does not exceed 80% of Spanish.


What are the main attractions of the Indian market?
India has since the beginning of 1990 very important steps in a process
progressive liberalization and openness of its economy.

Stability has been a constant in recent years to the surroundings Indian economic. Is guaranteed by a democratic system which has provided the opening process credibility and security, this is reinforced by tradition and credibility of its judicial system.

The economic growth experienced has led to gradual improvements in social welfare indicators (life expectancy, infant mortality rates literacy) and the development of a growing middle class, especially urban per capita income sufficient to demand for consumer durables.

It is a very competitive market because:
- Factor abundant labor.
- Highly competitive labor.
- High skills of a high percentage of the workforce.
- Extended use of English in government and commercially.
- Having the largest projected growth of its workforce in the coming years among Asian countries.

It is an untapped market. It has technological advantages in cost or management of which does not rejoice in Western markets. All the marketsare expanding and many needs still to be established.

Is consolidated among the world's most attractive destinations for investment. It's where it will generate many of the great business opportunities in the long run and will be a major economic powers in the future.

The very attitude of the authorities has changed with respect to foreign investment and its role as disseminator of technological capital, management and as a direct source of job creation. Thus, it is maintained that India is a developing country with a more favorable investment.

It is the seventh country in the world by area and second most populous after China with over 1000 million people. In the regressive and the trend is the increase in population. Population projections indicate that by 2050 China will surpass, making it the most populous country.
